Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moral Dilemma

More and more in video games, do I see the option of morality play a factor. Easy examples if such would be several Star Wars games, Infamous 1&2, and Mass effect. These games allow the choices of morality to shape the structure and story of the game around you. These choices can range from shooting the innocent, to sacrificing a loved one to save many. These are crucial decisions for the plot and character development. Do these decisions really matter? Or do they actually tell us a little about ourselves? Is it just a little mischievous self-indulgence to be a bad?

In Simplest terms the decisions are determined to be “good or bad.” No matter who you talk to though, “good” and “bad” have very different meanings. So when you shoot an innocent civilian, does that say that if you were in a position of power, you would be murderous? Every person plays these games different, and with different feelings in the situations.

I personally am always a “good” guy. I play to help people and save the world. I’m not sure why I do. I think to myself that maybe it’s just because I like the look of the “good” guy. I think it goes a little deeper though. I look at my personality in the real world, and I notice similarities. I do like to help people, I am often sought after for advice, and I offer my generosity when I can. Do I mimic my game play, or does it mimic me? Often I will play the “bad” guy as well. In all honesty though, I almost feel wrong sometimes, like I am truly being a “bad” guy.

People have often blamed video games for real world violence. I am 99% against what they say. I believe that people have a choice to let it affect them. I bring this up because of these morality decisions. Could they truly show signs of violence? I know others would certainly like to make that the case. I say 99% because of this dilemma. I think it could show some signs of violence. However, video games and these morality decisions do not create the violence in some one, it only shows it was there.

The biggest thing I would like to stress is the quotation marks on all the “good” and “bad”. The reason being is that it is all a matter of perception and the individual. Getting in to that debate would take a longer amount of time. So for anyone reading this, what would you say? Do these decisions of morality define a character, or its player? 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Countdown

Buying and playing video games is simply my favorite things to do. I love playing brand new games and just experiencing these new worlds developers have created. With this being said, the countdown is my next favorite thing. This is the time leading up to the release where the developers will show off some new trailers or tease you just a bit more about the game. This time period is where they just push the excitement through the roof.

 My current games that I am in countdown for are Payday 2 (Aug 13) and Saints Row IV (Aug 20). One of the countdown features Deep Silver has done for Saints Row is the Inauguration Station. You can use all the tools for character customization here. It’s a fun tease to the game and you character can actually be carried over. This is just one good example of a countdown feature.

The Countdown reaches its pinnacle of excitement at the midnight release. Retailers like Gamestop know how to hold a midnight release. I loved going to them and partaking in the launch.  All the conversations, watching newest trailers, sharing new info, and even some activities set up by the store. I remember at one midnight launch, we played video game Pictionary. My friends and I are always dedicated to being first in line. We waited 11 hours once to ensure this. I would still say that it was one of my best memories.

Once you have the game, you still have the drive home. You are studying the game case, looking for any new info that it could present. If you purchased a collector’s edition, you are tearing through all the cool items you received. All this leads to the moment. The moment you get home and get that game started. This is the moment you have been waiting for since you heard about the game being made. This is the culmination of hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work by these developers, and it is yours to experience.

The countdown is the moment I look forward to. I enjoy every moment I have to wait for these games because I know it will be worth it. I’m excited for every new trailer and midnight release. I can’t wait for my next countdown.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Replaying favorite games.

Everybody remembers the first time you play that game that you instantly fall in love with. The one that all other games must compare to. Even if it is not the same genre, you'll find a way to compare the two. These give us all we want for a long time. However, we always move on to newer games. Those games do not though. They know their job. My game will wait, be shoved around, tossed, and maybe even sold. Then it will happen. I will find it, see it, or read about it and remember all those memories that filled me with great pleasure. I must journey back once more.

Getting and playing a game you've played before is usually a good routine. You remember the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly. Sometimes you'll think to yourself "Oh yea, that's why I stopped this game." Those special games though, are always a great trip into gleeful nostalgia. They take you back in time to all those fantastic moments. The story will still give you goosebumps. The action is always thrilling. The best part, is that you can always find a new way to enjoy the game.

Some games just can't be replayed. They don't feel any different. Games should be a new experience every time you play. Some games though seem to be built to give you a lot of these great moments, but only on one play-through. Your favorite game though, it's always ready to cook up something that is just different enough that you will make you enjoy again. Being able to play a game again and again until I am an expert at everything that game has to offer, and still want to play one more time. That is a perfect game to me.

Developers really do have an amazing gift. They create a world in which you could be friends with. These games they create will be with us for a long time. This goes out to DICE for my playground that is Mirrors Edge and the newly announced Mirrors Edge 2. Once more unto the skyscrapers. Thanks again for the memories.

Monday, June 10, 2013

PS4 and Xbox One

To clarify right now, this is not a comparison of which is better. I have my own personal opinions on which is better which I will express later. This is simply my thoughts, comments, and even suggestions. So lets get this started.

We all know the current "war" that has been going on. This forces people to choose sides, look at the downsides, and really be all out negative towards the marvelous machines. I want people to take a step back, take down your flag, and really look at everything. That is how you will appreciate even a seemingly terrible machine. I don't think that my opinion is right or better than yours. I think that my opinion is less biased and possibly more informed.

A little back story of my console history. The PlayStation 1 was the house console when I was little, so I rarely played. When I turned 14, I got my first Xbox. It was gifted to me from a friend. It was awesome. I turned 16 , two years later for those who can't do math, and I received the Xbox 360. I played that thing to death. 19 years old and I made the switch to Sony with the PS3. A year later I saddled up the ol' 360 again but also keeping the PS3. This was the first time I was actively playing both.

The PS4 is a powerful new device. It rivals some PC's for power with its AMD 8 core processor and 8 GB of  RAM. It is expected to run up to 16 times faster than the current PS3. While this is just a great piece of machinery, it isn't what makes the PlayStation, a PlayStation. Sony has always had a great line up of exclusive games that are just fantastic.These games were the primary reason of my switch to Sony. I had more fun playing these games and had plenty to play. The new controller is bigger, which is nice since I felt the PS3 controller was just a little small. The new share feature is brilliant. Some have said it's excessive or unnecessary, but I love it. Being able to show a clip to a friend or the internet with out a capture card is awesome.

It's not all perfect though. For one, I would like to know what it looks like. It is not a huge deal though. My other complaint is still backwards compatibility. Although Sony was good with producing games for the PS2 well into the PS3 era. One of the big additions I hope they made, is the party chat option. It was a bit of a hassle getting games started or connecting with friends. The "Move" bar on the controller is a bit of an enigma to me. I am curious to see how it is implemented in to game play and accessibility.

Xbox One wasn't announced too long ago, yet it has received a lot of feedback. Most of it is bad. However, we can look forward to a lot as well. The graphics obviously got bumped with its Blu-ray feature. Always online could provide new experiences in games we haven't had before. These games would have an always-on feature, meaning the game would change, even while you are not playing. The apps of the xbox would always have up to date information and features. The Kinect2 offers cool new bits as well. Besides the creepy always on camera, it is far more receptive and is very advance. Its most advanced feature is it can even read your heart rate. This would be implemented in work out games or apps. The Kinect2 even detects the position of controllers and can adjust split screens accordingly. When the controller was shown in the first reveal, I really like. Sleek and simple. New features include better Xbox pairing and even rumble in the triggers themselves.

Now, if I listed all things bad with the Xbox One, I'm not sure I would have room. The always-on feature has got gamers freaking and voicing their outrage. With the 1984 feel to the Kinect2, it's hard not to agree. The possibility of locking games to an Xbox Live account is a great concern as well. Stores like Gamestop wouldn't exist with out trading in used games. The fact that you cannot play a single player game without at least being connected to the internet once a day, is quite annoying. I feel like you should not be restricted as to when you can play games. What happens if Xbox Live gets hit like the PSN got hit? Would the Xbox become nothing more than a decoration?

I do have one after thought on all of this. After reading through comments and responses from other people, one caught my attention. I can not remember the place I read it or who said it, but I give them credit for this thought whoever they may be. Imagine, down the road only months before the release of the Xbox One, Microsoft has a huge announcement. They say something like "We listened. So here it is. The Xbox you wanted." They release the "new" version which has all the DRM, Always-on, and such removed. It's The way we wanted it. Now Microsoft is a savior and saint. It would be the most brilliantly evil marketing strategy.

I have already decided I am not purchasing the Xbox one unless they change things. They probably won't, but it won't bother me. I am looking forward to the PS4 and all of the games they have to offer. In personal opinion, the PS4 will be the better console. However, it is still possible that most consumers will not care and buy it anyways.

I enjoy games more than the console it is played on.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Krieg the Psycho

Krieg the Psycho, the newest addition to the Borderlands 2 cast of adventurers. He is a manic experiment gone horribly wrong, or right depending on your point of view. With the morals of the well-bred sociopaths on Pandora mixed with whatever is flowing through his veins, you are sure to have a good time on your stay in the borderlands.

You see Krieg (great name by the way) wielding what can only be a steroid induced version of the bad ass psychos cleaver... thing. Which may hurt when swung in the right direction. As if that weren't enough to violently murder your enemies, he is still armed to the teeth with Pandora's never ending gun parade. This character is someone that is going to pack a murderous punch to the next unfortunate victim that happens to be nearby.

Since he is a psycho class character, we can expect him to be proficient in some of their bandit weapons. He is also obviously a bruiser, so tanking close range is gonna be his primary role. While taking enormous amounts of damage, his special is most likely a resemblance to Brick's rampage special. Only you won't be using fists, you'll be using a cleaver... that is huge... and sharp... so yea. Pain. Experiments can do wonders to a person on the battlefield, so it can be assumed he could have some elemental properties about him. Especially the newest element, slag.

More information will be funneling in about Krieg as we close in on his release date (tba). You can see him in his announcement trailer here thanks to Machinima. You can also see Gameinformers article on Krieg here with a few pictures with some info.

Welcome Krieg to the borderlands of Pandora, coming soon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bringing games to reality

            If you have played countless hours playing games, there is a chance you may or may not like games. If you do like games, stick around. If you don’t… well, I just don’t care to speak any further.  These countless hours and love for games allow our minds to blend reality and imagination in a beautiful and sometimes euphoric way. It allows our sometimes dull moments to be entertained by our passion for games by altering what we hear, see, and sometimes feel from the real world.

Have you ever had déjà vu? Get that feeling you’ve been here, done that, and/or said that? Well, what if you did? Playing games often has delving into caves, abandoned house, noisy streets, empty offices, and lush forests. With so many places that you’ve “been” to, how is it not possible it feel as though you have been there. Sometimes, with so much dialogue, why not think you said what your character said? What about those hugely emotional moments? Is it not possible to relate to a game in emotional distraught or even have your games relate to your previous emotional experiences?

 What about those long road trips of nothingness? Have you ever just laid back and imagined some epic battle taking place around the car? This is my favorite thing to do. The most common thing for me to imagine is an air battle with all the different types of ships and planes I can think of. It’s easy for our minds to slip to the thought of video games, when we should usually be working.  If you have a strong enough imagination to see your games in real life, I consider you to be lucky.

One day, walking home from work, I saw a hooded person in a white and red hoody. I don’t need to finish this for most people to guess what I thought. I love finding real life “easter eggs.” Those little things that make you think of games. One of the most common things I see is the Zelda Tri-force symbol. I have not played that much Zelda, and yet it still makes me nostalgic to other game days.

Games will always be our entertainment, escape, or competitive outlet. That does not mean that games need to stay there in our consoles or computers. We make games better by bringing them to life with our minds and actions.

We all wish some of our games would come to life. This is how we accomplish it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Caddington Games

My name Is Caddington Hoops and I will be you Video Game Guru for the time being. Please visit my personal blog for my real world blogging. Gonna keep this short, so I hope to see some views soon.

Until then, Live awesome and be awesome.