Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moral Dilemma

More and more in video games, do I see the option of morality play a factor. Easy examples if such would be several Star Wars games, Infamous 1&2, and Mass effect. These games allow the choices of morality to shape the structure and story of the game around you. These choices can range from shooting the innocent, to sacrificing a loved one to save many. These are crucial decisions for the plot and character development. Do these decisions really matter? Or do they actually tell us a little about ourselves? Is it just a little mischievous self-indulgence to be a bad?

In Simplest terms the decisions are determined to be “good or bad.” No matter who you talk to though, “good” and “bad” have very different meanings. So when you shoot an innocent civilian, does that say that if you were in a position of power, you would be murderous? Every person plays these games different, and with different feelings in the situations.

I personally am always a “good” guy. I play to help people and save the world. I’m not sure why I do. I think to myself that maybe it’s just because I like the look of the “good” guy. I think it goes a little deeper though. I look at my personality in the real world, and I notice similarities. I do like to help people, I am often sought after for advice, and I offer my generosity when I can. Do I mimic my game play, or does it mimic me? Often I will play the “bad” guy as well. In all honesty though, I almost feel wrong sometimes, like I am truly being a “bad” guy.

People have often blamed video games for real world violence. I am 99% against what they say. I believe that people have a choice to let it affect them. I bring this up because of these morality decisions. Could they truly show signs of violence? I know others would certainly like to make that the case. I say 99% because of this dilemma. I think it could show some signs of violence. However, video games and these morality decisions do not create the violence in some one, it only shows it was there.

The biggest thing I would like to stress is the quotation marks on all the “good” and “bad”. The reason being is that it is all a matter of perception and the individual. Getting in to that debate would take a longer amount of time. So for anyone reading this, what would you say? Do these decisions of morality define a character, or its player? 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Countdown

Buying and playing video games is simply my favorite things to do. I love playing brand new games and just experiencing these new worlds developers have created. With this being said, the countdown is my next favorite thing. This is the time leading up to the release where the developers will show off some new trailers or tease you just a bit more about the game. This time period is where they just push the excitement through the roof.

 My current games that I am in countdown for are Payday 2 (Aug 13) and Saints Row IV (Aug 20). One of the countdown features Deep Silver has done for Saints Row is the Inauguration Station. You can use all the tools for character customization here. It’s a fun tease to the game and you character can actually be carried over. This is just one good example of a countdown feature.

The Countdown reaches its pinnacle of excitement at the midnight release. Retailers like Gamestop know how to hold a midnight release. I loved going to them and partaking in the launch.  All the conversations, watching newest trailers, sharing new info, and even some activities set up by the store. I remember at one midnight launch, we played video game Pictionary. My friends and I are always dedicated to being first in line. We waited 11 hours once to ensure this. I would still say that it was one of my best memories.

Once you have the game, you still have the drive home. You are studying the game case, looking for any new info that it could present. If you purchased a collector’s edition, you are tearing through all the cool items you received. All this leads to the moment. The moment you get home and get that game started. This is the moment you have been waiting for since you heard about the game being made. This is the culmination of hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work by these developers, and it is yours to experience.

The countdown is the moment I look forward to. I enjoy every moment I have to wait for these games because I know it will be worth it. I’m excited for every new trailer and midnight release. I can’t wait for my next countdown.